Shah Rukh Khan is back on screen after 4 long years, and this re-entry is nothing short of action-packed. Khan’s latest release Pathaan, also starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham is all set to hit the cinemas on 25th January 2023. Directed by Siddharth Anand, whose previous works include Hrithik Roshan starrer War (2019), and Bang Bang (2014), Pathaan is also a spy-thriller shot across multiple locations across India, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.
As per reports, Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham have traveled to Dubai and Spain for the principal filming of Pathaan. The film has also been shot in India, Afghanistan, Turkey, UAE, Russia, Italy, and France.
Besharam Rang Song Filming Location: Cala Llamp, Majorca
Besharam Rang was the first song released from the movie Pathaan. This sizzling number from Pathaan starring Deepika Padukone and Shah Rukh Khan was shot in Mallorca, Spain. The entire song has been shot at the Cala Llamp rocky beach, at the Gran Folies Beach Club.
Jhoome Jo Pathaan Song Filming Location: Old Town Cadiz, Spain
The title track of Pathaan, ‘Jhoome Jo Pathaan’, again starring Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone was shot in the Andalucian city of Cadiz, in Spain. In the picturization of the song, the duo can be seen celebrating the spirit of Pathaan, dancing in the Old Town locales of Cadiz. The locations include Plaza del Cabildo, Plaza de San Juan de Dios, Church of Santa Cruz, and El Pópulo neighborhood with the Cadiz seafront. There is also a shot outside Bar Balbino, in the old city of Cadiz.
Pathaan Teaser
In addition to these stunning song locations, the film’s teaser reveals glimpses of the action sequences shot in the gorgeous locales of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, the Siberian region in Russia, and the cityscapes of Dubai. Pathaan promises to be a visual treat not just for the fans of the actors and the genre, but also for travel lovers like us who enjoy taking time to identify the real locations where the film was shot.
PS. this post will be updated with the release of additional Pathaan trailers, songs, and the film release.
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